Move - Breathe- Listen Inward

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About Will…

I embarked on this journey of healing and self-discovery around 10 years ago while sitting in meditation during my first yoga teacher training with Adrienne Smith, the owner of Power of Your Om and a dear teacher and friend. I was struck by the realization that I had been thinking my whole life without knowing I was thinking. Creating the experience of my life moment by moment, without stopping to simply Witness. You could say that the flow of the universe led me to this moment (and many others like it) to determine if I was ready to expand into Awareness. I said yes.

My story involves grappling with the fear that I wasn't enough, existential anxiety about finding my calling, and many years of lacking a clear direction or purpose. This led me into dark years of searching, with consequences that included physical accidents, head trauma, broken bones, a DUI, and years of wandering in and out of jobs that were not conducive to expressing my unique gifts.

I'll never forget the first time someone came up to me after a yoga class I taught and expressed how deeply they had reconnected with their body and were moved to tears. Through the grace of the Universe and Spirit, I was connected to wonderful guides and teachers along the way who helped illuminate the path. These individuals include my amazing parents, Bill and Michelle (thank you for raising us with so much love and fun), my Oregon family, an incredible Sound Healer I met in Oregon named Alan who taught me many things and exposed many insecurities in my expression, my Vocal Coach Lucy, who continually helps me expand the range of my life-song, and many amazing yoga and life teachers like Adrienne Smith, the Kula Collective Founders, and Jason Crandell.

As I began to explore the power of ancient practices such as Yoga, Breathwork, and Plant Medicine and stepped up to share my gifts, I realized that I could have a direct and powerful effect on my immediate experience and perception of reality. The harsh, dense, and fragmented reality I was experiencing could suddenly soften and melt away. I could now feel gratitude for life instead of resistance. These practices, along with cleansing my gut, changing my dietary choices, and setting clear relational boundaries, have helped me find clarity and a strong will to create the life I truly desire.

Trusting Spirit, I began taking one step after another into places like India, Guatemala, and all over Europe to learn, train, and share in these ancient methods. I am consistently reminded that I am one with all beings, plants, and animals and that I have the ability to notice and shift energy at will. Some of the modalities I use and share include Breathwork, Sound Healing, and other medicinal offerings like Cacao and Rapé. I also work with the body in bodywork sessions to identify and release stuck energy.

I want to walk alongside your journey and help you live more vitally, vibrantly, and presently. If you are in need of a shift or just need a kind, gentle spirit to accompany your process, please get in touch via email below. I look forward to hearing from you.